One of the important messages God gives his people is to serve one another. By becoming an altar server, young people can begin to fulfill God’s request. Altar servers serve the congregation, the priests and one another in celebrating the Mass.
By learning to be an altar server, young people provide vital assistance to the church and help lead the congregation in prayer. They learn to respect God’s church but also learn to respect themselves. This ministry promotes responsibility, accountability, leadership and above all, teamwork. It also is a fulfilling way to start a lifetime of service to God, his church and his people.
What do you need to become an Altar Server?
Any boy or girl who has received their first communion can become an altar server. Regular attendance at church, an ability to make a commitment and a family that values worshipping together in the community are all required elements of a successful server.
If you would like to be part of this wonderful ministry please contact Dominic Hernandez